N2paws Mission: Whole Pet Positive Training & Support
Improving the bond between people and animals, while improving the well-being of both

Behavior Coaching & Holistic Support from Baby to Senior

Specializing in these topics:
Reduce Anxiety, Fears, and Stress
Rescue or Rehoming Transition
Senior Care & Hospice Counseling
Nutrition Counseling
Essential Oils for animals
Disability & Special Needs Support
Rehabilitation or Post-Surgical Support
Therapy Team Coaching

About the Owner – Pat Hennessy
Pat Hennessy – Animal Attunement Ambassador, Holistic Practitioner, and Whole Pet Positive Trainer is an Advanced Tellington Method (TTouch®) Practitioner, Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), Associate Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (ACDBC), Animal Reiki Practitioner, and Certified Veterinary Assistant. Memberships include Tellington Training Guild, Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT), International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC), International Alliance for Animal Therapy and Healing (IAATH) and Animal Reiki Source.
Here is my basic pricing structure. For more information
or questions, contact me.